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A Grim Baby Page 11
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Page 11
“Then I won’t be long.”
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
“This is amazing.” Amanda moved through the medical facility, taking in the medical and deep repair units. “But you don’t have surgical suites?”
“Surgical suites?” Hadar frowned at her.
“A designated space where you actually operate on a patient,” Amanda explained.
“It’s what I informed you we should have in case Lisa needed a C-section,” Rebecca reminded him.
“You said it could be performed anywhere.”
“In an emergency, yes. But the best outcome for both mother and child is when a proper surgical suite is used.”
“I didn’t understand this when you explained it. You should have insisted I prepare one for the queen. Next time something like this occurs, you must make me understand, even if it means striking me.”
Hadar did not want Rebecca’s sympathy. His queen could have died because he didn’t inquire more deeply, believing Tornian procedures to be superior to those from a planet that actually cut into their patients. “Is this surgical suite used for anything other than presentations?”
Amanda looked at Rebecca, who nodded before answering. “On Earth, yes. People have surgeries for various reasons. However, your medical or deep repair units seem to deal with those.”
“But not C-sections.”
“No, not C-sections,” Amanda told him.
“Then one needs to be prepared per your and Healer Rebecca’s specifications on every planet.”
“We could do that,” Amanda agreed, glancing at Rebecca. But it will take time. Right now, a portable suite would make more sense as the pregnant women are spread out on different planets.”
“That is possible?”
“Yes, it’s possible,” Amanda told him.
“Then we will make it happen and pray to the Goddess that we never have to use it.”
“Use what?” The question coming from a deep voice had them turning to find Alger walking into medical.
“Captain Alger, what can I do for you,” Hadar asked.
Alger got straight to the point and handed over the unit he had. “I need the crystal in this unit changed out and a second unit.”
“A second unit?” Hadar asked, taking the one Alger held out to him. “Why?”
Until it became common knowledge that Grim would be training his daughters, he wasn’t going to say anything. “Because the king requested it.”
“I see.”
The confusion on his face said he didn’t, but the Healer immediately went about replacing the crystal.
When a female he didn’t recognize reached out as if to touch him, Alger tensed and took a quick step back. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m so sorry.” Amanda jerked her hand back. “I’m Healer Amanda Adams. I witnessed your sparring match earlier and saw you use that unit on your side.” She pointed to the one Hadar had in hand. “I just wanted to see how effectively the unit worked.”
“Umm, Amanda,” Rebecca interrupted, “females don’t touch males unless they are interested in Joining with them.”
Her mouth dropped. “What?”
It was obvious she didn’t realize her mistake. Rebecca explained further. “It’s how their females show they’re interested in males.”
“But I…I’m a doctor. I mean healer. I have to touch my patients,” Amanda stuttered.
“Captain Alger isn’t here as a patient,” Rebecca reminded her.
“I… of course not,” she turned back to the captain. “My apologies, Captain Alger. I meant no offense and didn’t mean to give the impression I was interested in Joining with you. I’m here to do a job, that’s all.”
“I completely understand, Healer Adams,” Alger told her stiffly.
“Thank you. May I examine where you were injured?” she requested.
“It was just a minor cut,” Alger informed her.
“It was bad enough you used a repair unit to treat it,” she snapped.
His shoulders slumped and he sighed. “Truth.”
“So, may I? Examine you?”
“If you wish.” Removing the sleeveless vest he wore, Alger lifted his arm. He tucked his hand behind his head, revealing his torso’s well-defined muscles and sculpted abs.
Amanda’s breath caught as the captain removed his sleeveless vest. If she’d thought he looked impressive from a distance, it was nothing compared to being up close and personal. His muscles rippled beneath his blue skin and her fingers itched to explore them, which was totally unprofessional.
Clearing her throat, she looked to Rebecca. “Do you have gloves?”
“Tornians don’t use them,” Rebecca informed her and went to pick up a different handheld unit. Returning, she turned it on. “This will sterilize your hands. Hold them out.”
When Amanda did, Rebecca ran it over the back and then her palms when Amanda flipped them over.
“That’s going to take some getting used to,” Amanda murmured.
Rebecca chuckled. “It does, but now I don’t even think about it.”
Turning back to Alger, who hadn’t moved, Amanda gently touched a line of lighter blue skin. She looked up and found her gaze captured by the intensity in his slate-gray eyes. “Is this where you were injured?”
“Yes,” he replied gruffly. “The king’s sword slipped under my guard. As you can see, I’m completely healed.”
Amanda forced her gaze to return to the injury and resumed her professional inspection. Pressing carefully against the lighter skin, she asked, “Does that hurt? Is it tender?”
“Here, use this.” Rebecca handed her the handheld unit. “I switched it to scan mode. It will give you a 3-D image of the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.”
Taking it from Rebecca, she ran it along the length of the injury and watched the screen, amazed by what she saw. Never had she seen such a detailed image from so small a device. It also revealed how serious the captain’s injury had actually been. “This was a deep laceration.”
“Which as you can see is now fine” Stepping away, Alger pulled his vest back on. “Have you finished, Hadar? I have trainees waiting.”
“Done, and here is a second unit.” Hadar handed him both. “Both crystals have been tested.”
Nodding his understanding, he spun on his heel and left without another word.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Alger knew he’d been abrupt in medical, but he’d needed to get away from the new healer before anyone noticed his reaction to her. It had been a long time since he found his release with a Serai. Frowning, he realized it was before Grim had left on the Searcher to find Earth, over a year ago. No wonder he’d reacted so strongly to her touch.
He needed to visit a Serai or use his own hand before he was in the new female’s presence again. He’d long ago given up on having a female or offspring, preferring instead to devote his life to serving his current king, King Grim, and Grim’s predecessor, King Rask. He didn’t need an Earth female to distract him from his duties. Especially not now when his king had so much to lose.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
“What did you need to discuss with me, my Lisa?” Grim sat down next to her after checking that Adora was asleep. He wanted to pick her up but knew he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on what Lisa said if he did.
“Padma came and measured the girls for their training coverings,” she said.
“I knew that.”
“Yes. During the fitting, the girls asked if Dagan could train with them.” She looked at Grim uncertainly.
Her fingers twisted in her lap. “I know, but Dagan got so excited at the thought and I didn’t have the heart to tell him no.”
“Lisa…” Grim sighed. “While I consider Dagan to be a truly worthy and special male, he is not fit to be a warrior. He’s too tender-hearted.”
“I agree, but he doesn’t want to be a war
rior, Grim. He just wants to learn enough so he can protect those he loves. To use his own words, ‘So unfit males not harm Carly and Miki. Not harm Adora.’ I hadn’t realized how much the attack by those three trainees had affected him.”
Grim found he couldn’t argue when Lisa put it like that. It revealed how special the young male truly was to want to train only so he could protect females. Grim’s females. Others did it only to attract one.
Lisa took Grim’s silence as a refusal and pressed. “It may not even happen since I told Dagan he had to get his manno’s approval first.”
“You do not believe Gossamer will give it?” Grim raised an eyebrow at her.
She pursed her lips and sat back. “I don’t know. I know he loves Dagan, but he better than anyone knows Dagan’s limitations.”
“Gossamer was a superb warrior who once served under King Rask,” he informed her.
“Your uncle and the former king of Luda?” Lisa knew who the male was, and from what she’d heard, he was a fit and worthy male.
“He forced Gossamer out because of Padma, didn’t he?” she gritted between clenched teeth.
“Yes,” Grim admitted bluntly, rubbing her thigh to ease her upset. “As she wasn’t Tornian, she was at risk from other males and needed to be protected at all times. Gossamer couldn’t do that and perform his duties to the king, so he resigned.”
“That shouldn’t have happened, Grim.” She couldn’t believe the unfairness of that decision.
“Many things in the past shouldn’t have been allowed, but there’s nothing I can do to change them. All I can do is try to make the best decisions I can now and hope future generations don’t judge me too harshly.”
“They won’t.” She was sure of it. “You are a good king, Grim. A fit and worthy male.”
“Who kidnapped females and forced them to Join with males, not of their choosing,” he reminded her.
“That’s not truth,” Lisa immediately denied then sighed before admitting, “not the complete truth.”
“It is, my love. Whether you like it or not. It is what our girls will one day learn. I just hope they will forgive and still love me.”
“Oh, Grim.” Unable to stand the sadness in his eyes, she reached up and framed his face with her hands. “They will, and things will work out for the best. You’ll see.”
“I hope you are right.” He rested his forehead against hers for a moment before pulling back. “As for Dagan, I will speak to Gossamer, and assure him that I will watch over Dagan. After all, I am in his debt for how he protected Miki and Carly.”
“We both are,” Lisa agreed.
Chapter Sixteen
“Good morning, Rebecca, Dr. Adams,” Lisa greeted as she walked into medical.
“Good morning, Lisa. I wasn’t expecting you this morning. Is everything all right?” Rebecca’s gaze went to the baby in Lisa’s arms.
“Everything’s fine. I just couldn’t get back to you yesterday, and I wanted to make sure Dr. Adams got settled in okay.”
“I did, Majesty,” Amanda answered. “I must say I’ve never experienced such a beautiful yet comfortable room.”
Amanda watched Lisa’s face bloom with pleasure. “I’m so glad you like it. I’ve been trying to make the rooms as comfortable as possible for the women after what they’ve gone through.
“I was able to speak with several of them and they told me everything you’ve done for them.”
Lisa’s smile faded. “Yes, well, I wish I could have given them what they really wanted, but it wasn’t in my power.”
Amanda didn’t need to ask what that was. She was surprised at how much that seemed to weigh on the queen. After all, she seemed extremely happy with her male.
Rebecca was instantly at her friend’s side, putting a consoling hand on her arm. “If it weren’t for you, we’d have been forced to Join moon cycles ago with males we didn’t know. At least now we have a choice.”
Lisa chewed her bottom lip in distress. “I wish I could have done more.”
“You did more than anyone else could, Lisa. The rest is up to the women. Now, are you going to let me hold that baby?”
Lisa couldn’t help but smile. Rebecca always had that effect on her. She was always so upbeat.
“Well, I suppose since I have another reason for coming down this morning.” Lisa placed Adora in her arms.
“How are you doing this morning, you precious little girl?” Rebecca cooed at Adora before asking Lisa. “What reason?”
“I want to use the deep repair unit.”
“What?” Rebecca’s head jerked up. “Why? Are you feeling ill?”
“Not at all. Actually, I haven’t felt this good in a long time, but Grim’s worried because of the way Mark died, and I want to reassure him.”
Blushing, Lisa added, “Also, I want to be intimate with Grim again. It’s been months.”
“Are you saying you haven’t been ‘with’ Grim since he found out you were pregnant?” Rebecca found that hard to believe.
“Of course not,” Lisa immediately denied. “But the larger I became, the more concerned he became that he’d harm either me or Adora.” Seeing Dr. Adams frown, Lisa knew she needed to explain further because it was something the doctor would be dealing with for other females. “Once a Tornian female conceived, most secluded themselves away in their rooms, allowing the male no further contact until after the offspring was presented.”
“What about healers?” Amanda asked.
“Rarely. Usually, the female’s mother would come to assist her, for a price, if she was willing.”
“They have no prenatal care? No medical assistance during delivery?” Amanda’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“Not that we’re aware of, and Isis would have told us if there were.”
“Unbelievable.” Amanda waved her hands in disbelief. “They can fly across the universe, have eradicated the deadliest diseases we know of, but have no support for their females while pregnant?”
“Now you understand what we’re facing here and why we need you,” Rebecca told her.
“Then I’m even more grateful than ever to be here and to be able to help.”
Rebecca looked to Lisa. “This would be the perfect opportunity for Amanda to learn how to use the deep repair unit if you’re comfortable with that.”
“Of course I am,” Lisa immediately agreed.
“Then I’ll go get Hadar, and he can supervise.”
“You don’t know how to use the unit?” Amanda was surprised by that.
“I do,” Rebecca responded, “but Hadar is the expert here, so you should be learning directly from him.”
Amanda couldn’t fault the logic in that. Rebecca left, carrying Adora and she found herself alone with the queen. “Majesty, I’d like to apologize again for my actions yesterday.”
“That’s not necessary, Dr. Adams,” Lisa cut her off. “You’d just landed on an alien planet and were concerned for my well-being.”
Relief crossed Amanda’s face. “That’s very understanding of you.”
“I remember what that felt like.”
“With all due respect, Majesty, your situation was completely different than mine. You were taken against your will and had two young children to worry about. I knew exactly what I was getting into and chose to come, arriving with every comfort provided.”
Interested, Lisa tipped her head to the side. “Why did you?”
“Excuse me?”
“Why did you choose to come here and assist us, Doctor? I read the early media reports. They weren’t favorable to the Tornian Empire.”
“You’re right. They weren’t. But I’m not here to assist the Tornian Empire. I’m here to assist the women, excuse me, females, in that empire. Whether they are from Earth, Tornian, Kaliszian, or any of the other species I’m sure must be out there. Every female deserves proper health care, Majesty. Especially when she’s pregnant.”
bsp; Lisa’s chest tightened and her heart jumped in joy. Amanda was precisely the type of doctor the females of this newly changed universe needed and deserved. Lisa was also pretty sure the good doctor could stand toe-to-toe with any male when it came to the well-being of a patient.
“Majesty.” Hadar hurried into the room. “Healer Rebecca says you wish to use the deep repair unit?”
Lisa turned and smiled at her friend and healer. “Yes, and I’d like Dr. Adams to do it, under your supervision, of course.”
“If that is your wish, Majesty.”
Lisa walked over to the unit, and with Hadar’s assistance climbed in and lay down on it. With one last look to make sure Adora was resting peacefully in Rebecca’s arms, she closed her eyes and made herself relax.
Hadar walked to the control console near her head and gestured for Amanda to join him. “This is how you activate the unit.”
Amanda watched as Hadar pressed a white icon with a black center on the display screen of the deep repair unit.
“Then, if you touch here,” he gestured for her to touch another white icon, this one a horizontal bar.
“Slide it all the way to the top of the screen.” She heard a slight hum as soon as she slid it.
“That means the unit is warming up,” he told her. “In a moment, the lid will seal, and the unit will scan the patient.”
Amanda watched as a clear cylinder appeared from the end of the device and slid up until it sealed near the control panel with a slight snick.
“Then what do you do?” Amanda asked.
“Do?” Hadar gave her a confused look. “We wait for the results, then decide how to proceed.”
A crease formed between her brows. “I don’t understand. Doesn’t the unit repair everything that’s wrong?”
“While that is true in most cases, a healer is needed to decide the priority in which those injuries are repaired.”
“The unit doesn’t automatically do that?”
“No. It is but a machine. A tool. The healer must tell it what to do.”
A low tone had them both looking back to the control panel to see what the unit discovered.
“What does it say?” Rebecca moved to look over Amanda’s shoulder.