Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3) Read online

Page 11

  So many had died because of Dadrian’s treason. Fourteen hundred and twenty-one brave men and women of the Coalition to be exact including the entire crew of the Talon. For a time, Jotham had believed Barek was among the dead. The Fleet had been in chaos, no one knew how the Regulians were able to conduct speed attacks on the Fleet. Or how they knew where they were.

  William Zafar, Jotham’s life-long friend, confidant, and blood relative had been the Admiral of the Fleet at the time. He had saved Cassandra and Victoria from Earth when the Regulians had destroyed it, and in doing so changed history. Cassandra was a direct descendant from the lost Princess of the House of Knowledge, its one true heir, and someone didn’t want her to assume her throne. It was why the Regulians had destroyed Earth and Cassandra was bound and determined to discover who it was.

  In doing so, she discovered Dadrian’s transmissions to Barek, while he’d been out with the Fleet, and then been able to link them to the transmissions sent to the Regulians with the Fleet’s location. She’d discovered two traitors; one from the House of Knowledge and one from the House of Protection.

  The day Dadrian died was the day Jotham’s friend and confidante, and the woman he loved told Jotham and Barek what they had discovered. Jotham had been in denial, not wanting to believe it was possible. But when Dadrian came charging in, Jotham had seen the truth as Dadrian saw the brother, he thought dead, standing there instead.

  Dadrian had run from the room. He had run from facing what he’d done and in doing so he tripped on the runner at the top of the stairwell in the Royal Wing and fallen to his death.

  The next days passed in a blur for Jotham. The House of Protection and the entire planet went into mourning. Yet Jotham couldn’t mourn. Not for Dadrian. He just went through the motions trying to decide what to do. He needed to report Dadrian’s betrayal to the Grand Assembly, the one that was convening to witness Cassandra’s Challenge of Queen Yakira, the appointed Queen for the House of Knowledge.

  Jotham had gone to tell William and Cassandra that, and to apologize to them for what his son had done, especially to Cassandra. He knew Dadrian’s betrayal had cost him more than his throne, it had cost him his friendship with William. They both surprised him that day. First, Cassandra by destroying the evidence she had against Dadrian, and then William by assuring him Dadrian’s actions in no way affected their friendship.

  Together they convinced him that the harm that would be caused by him reporting this to the Assembly outweighed any good that could come from it. Dadrian was dead. There would be no further attacks on the Fleet because of him. The one that would truly suffer if it were revealed was Barek, and then Dadrian would win and that wasn’t justice.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  “I am sorry, Jotham.”

  Jacinda’s voice and the gentle touch on his arm brought him back to the present.

  “I didn’t know Dadrian well, but I know you must have loved him a great deal and still miss him. Barek too. To lose a sibling like that…” Jacinda was shocked when Jotham ripped his arm from her grip then rounded on her. The rage pouring off him had her taking a startled step back.

  “You know nothing about it, Madame Michelakakis!” Jotham’s body vibrated with the anger that he was trying to control. “And I would like you to keep your pathetic words of solace to yourself!”


  “Majesty,” Chesney appeared from nowhere, his eyes wide at what he had just witnessed. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Sire, but the High Admiral is on the comm. He says it’s urgent.”

  Jotham found he couldn’t speak, shame choking him as his mind replayed the words he’d just said to Jacinda. How could he have said something like that to her? She was just trying to help. She had no clue what Dadrian had done. He was the one to start the discussion of children. It was only natural for the conversation to turn to Dadrian.

  Jacinda stepped away from him in fear… no woman had ever had to do that with him before… maybe Dadrian had gotten that from him.

  Meaning to apologize, Jotham found Jacinda had turned her back on him and was moving toward Chesney.

  “Would you mind showing me back to my transport, Mister Chesney? I’m afraid I’ve gotten myself totally turned around in the garden and I have an appointment I can’t be late for.”

  Chesney looked to Jotham and at his stiff nod spoke, “Of course, Madame Michelakakis.”

  “Thank you. That way the King won’t be delayed in seeing to his duties.” Jacinda turned to Jotham, her face perfectly neutral. “Please thank Safford for a wonderful meal, Majesty. Goodbye."

  Chapter Eight

  “What can I do for you, High Admiral?” Jotham asked sitting down at his desk.

  “King Jotham, I’m calling to inform you of some information that has been discovered, concerning the House of Protection, after our latest ‘interview’ with Gad Stannic.

  “Gad Stannic? I thought he and his father, former Assemblyman Rogue Stannic, were a Coalition and House of Knowledge problem.”

  “They were and are, but now it seems that Rogue Stannic was also communicating on a regular basis with someone from the House of Protection.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “That’s not entirely clear at the moment, but it seems to have something to do with Prince Barek.”

  “Is he in danger?” Jotham demanded.

  “I don’t believe so. The communications seem to be geared more toward who will be his future Queen.”

  “I see.” Jotham was silent for a moment wondering if someone else had noticed Barek’s interest in Amina. “Why would Stannic be interested in this?”

  “That is what is still unclear, but I wanted to inform you before Barek did.”

  “Barek knows of this?”

  “He was interviewing Gad when it was hinted at. Going through Rogue’s confiscated files, we found some evidence of the correspondence but haven’t yet determined who in the House of Protection it is going to. They bounce from planet to planet. It’s going to take some time to sort out.”

  “Even for Cassandra?”

  William was silent for a moment. “I haven’t informed her of it yet. I’m on the Bering and she’s caring for Sabah.”

  “Sabah! What’s wrong with Sabah?” Jotham shouted into the comm. Cassandra’s daughter and future Queen was only several moon cycles old. If something had happened to her…

  “Nothing’s ‘wrong’ with her, she just has a little sniffle. Do you really think I’d be on the Bering if something was wrong with my daughter?”

  “No. Of course, you wouldn’t. I’m sorry. It seems to be my day to overreact.”

  Silence greeted Jotham’s statement.

  “Jotham, we are on a fully secure line.”

  “I never doubted it.”

  “And you are not only my King but my friend. Tell me what’s wrong?”

  Jotham found himself chuckling at William referring to him as his King, for in reality William was now the King of the House of Knowledge.

  “Is that so, King William?” Jotham’s chuckles grew when he heard William’s groan. He hated when someone used that title.

  “Stop trying to change the subject, Jotham. Talk to me.”

  “What do you know about Jacinda Michelakakis?”

  “Jacinda Michelakakis?” Whatever William had thought was bothering Jotham, it hadn’t been a woman. “Well, let me think. She’s Leander Michelakakis’ aunt through her Union with his father’s brother, Stephan. Stephan was a powerful and effective Assemblyman for the House of Protection until his untimely death. What ten cycles ago now?”


  “But you know all that, so what are you really asking?”

  “Do you remember her from before that? From the Academy?”

  “Sure, she was a cycle ahead of us.”

  “You seriously remember that?”

  “Of course. She was seriously stunning.”

  “She still is,” Jotham informed him.

am leaned back in his chair on the other end of the comm, stunned. Jotham was showing an interest in a woman? After all these cycles?

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “Who told you that?” Jotham demanded before he could stop himself.

  “I was with Cassandra when Javiera told her how she had run into Jacinda and her sister, Palma, the other day when she’d been out of the Palace. Apparently, Jacinda’s oldest son is following in his father’s footsteps.”

  “Danton, yes. He’s the image of his father.”

  “Well, apparently he still has a lot to learn about women.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s what Javiera couldn’t wait to share with Cassandra. Apparently, while she was having coffee with Jacinda and Palma, Danton called asking his mother to attend the Assemblyman’s Ball with him.”

  “When was this?” Jotham searched his mind. It had only been a week ago that he first met with Jacinda. Since then, she’d met with Barek, traveled to and from Kisurri, attended the Ball, and had lunch with him.

  “Four days ago now,” William informed him.

  “What!” Jotham couldn’t believe it. Even he knew that a woman could spend months trying to find the right gown. To give your own mother only a three day notice… was Danton insane?

  “The Ball was last night, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes. Jacinda looked… amazing.”

  “Did she now?” Yes, Jotham was clearly interested in this woman, William thought.

  “What else did Javiera say?”

  “That they went straight to Kia who just happened to have the most amazing dress, Javiera’s words, that was not only in violet but fit Jacinda perfectly.”

  “It did. I can’t believe it.”

  “I can’t believe she let her son live after the comment he made.”

  “What comment?”

  “Apparently, when Jacinda scolded him for not giving her more time to find a dress he informed her he hadn’t thought it would be a problem since she had a closet full.”

  “She let the boy live?”

  “Those were my exact words and Cassandra informed me a mother’s love for her child truly knows no bounds, but that if I tried that with her, I should fear for my life.”

  “You are much too wise to say something like that, Will. Think it, yes. Say it, never.”

  “Too true. So you chose Jacinda for the opening dance?” William was not going to be distracted. Jotham was upset about something.

  “No. Barek did.”

  “Barek? Barek opened the Ball?” William couldn’t believe it. Never before had Jotham allowed Barek to assume what was essentially the King’s duty.

  “Yes. He thought it would help deflect the traditional rumors that always surface of me favoring one Assemblyman over another. He also had a personal agenda.”

  “Personal agenda? Jotham, what are you talking about?”

  “Barek wanted to thank Jacinda for obtaining some visuals of Lata from when she was at the Academy. She got them from her sister, Palma.”

  “Why would he need to get them from Palma? Lata was always taking visuals.” William didn’t miss that Jotham actually ‘said’ Lata’s name. It was the first time in cycles he’d heard it cross his lips.

  “Yes, well, they’ve been in storage for cycles. I never gave it a thought that Barek would want to see them. When he and Jacinda literally ran into each other in the Assembly Hall, they spoke for a while. Somehow, out of what was said, Jacinda realized Barek had never seen any visuals of his mother that weren’t ‘official’ ones and even then only the one in my private office.”

  “Jotham…” William didn’t know what to say. He’d never realized Jotham had taken it that far, especially not with Barek.

  “I know.” Jotham leaned back in his chair closing his eyes. “I just shut down after Lata was killed. I’m not sure I ever really realized how much until just recently.” Opening his eyes, he straightened. “So anyway, Jacinda got him the visuals, which just goes to show what a truly good woman she is, especially after how our previous meeting ended.”

  “Previous meeting?” William looked up as his assistant on the Bering silently entered and tapped his wrist, indicating that he was going to be late for another meeting. William shook his head and gave him a silent signal they’d developed over the cycles that told him everything else could wait. He and Jotham were talking in a way that they hadn’t since those few cycles they served in the Fleet together. Since before Jotham became King, and he was working his way up through the ranks. Nothing short of the Regulians attacking was going to take priority over this.

  “I asked Jacinda to come to the Palace last week. I had a situation I thought she could help me with.”

  “Did she?” William was intrigued at how evasive Jotham was being.

  “No. Instead, she got angry, royally pissed off to be honest. She stood right up to me, Will, and told me I was wrong. I can’t remember the last time someone did that to me or treated me as if I were just a normal man… unless it was Cassandra… or Cyndy Chamberlain.

  “Cyndy is a little spitfire,” William agreed. “Especially now that she’s regaining her health. I hope she continues to be.”

  “Is there a problem?” Jotham heard the concern in William’s voice.

  “Not yet, and not one she’s allowing her family to see, but it’s growing.”

  “Can I help?”

  “I’ll let you know. Now back to Jacinda. What did you say to her, Jotham? You didn’t… proposition her.”

  “Ancestors no!” Jotham shot out of his chair. “It was the first time I’d seen the woman in over ten cycles!”

  “Then what was it?”

  “Nothing I want to talk about.”

  William let it go, knowing eventually when he was ready, Jotham would tell him.

  “Have I dishonored my life mate again, Will? With my actions?”

  William could barely hear the question let alone answer it. “What?”

  “Have I again dishonored my life mate?”

  “Jotham! You have never dishonored Lata!”

  “Haven’t I? What about Rani? What about Dadrian?”

  “Jotham…” William struggled for words. “As your friend, I can honestly say I never understood how Rani happened, but I wasn’t there. As for Dadrian, he was a grown man. He made his own choices.”

  “He was so young, Will.”

  “He was older than you were when you took the throne, Jotham.” William’s anger was easily heard. “He was given every opportunity in life and he exploited every one. You know this! You can’t hold yourself responsible for what he did!”

  “If it were Kayden? Or Lucas? Would you not feel you were somehow responsible because of how you raised or didn’t raise them?”

  “I don’t know how I would feel, Jotham, and I hope I never have to find out, but in the end they are their own men.”

  “What if you can see yourself in them? What if you find yourself wondering if he could have learned it from you?”

  “Jotham! What the fuck are you talking about?!!” William raged. “You, of all people, are nothing like Dadrian! What happened to make you think you could be?”

  “I was having lunch with Jacinda before you called.”

  The pause on the other end of the comm was deafening as William tried to follow the conversation. “O…kay.”

  “Last night, at the Ball, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. It was as if every light in the room was focused on her, revealing what a beautiful creature she really was. She drew people to her, Will, with her warmth and honesty.”


  “I asked her for the last dance.”

  “You…” William found himself speechless. While a King or Queen always opened an event by either dancing with their spouse or someone else, the last dance was always reserved for only the spouse. Since Lata’s death, Jotham had never danced it.

  “I know. But I was making my way around the room, speaking to the
Assemblymen and I hadn’t yet talked to Danton. To be honest, I don’t think I ever did.”

  “So you invited her to lunch.”

  “Yes. The words just escaped my mouth. When we danced, we talked, truly talked. She had no agenda. She wasn’t trying to draw my attention. She just had it. And as the music started to fade, I found I didn’t want it to end, that I didn’t want to let her go. So I asked her to come to lunch.”

  “Just her?”

  “Yes. We ate in the garden.”

  “Your garden?”


  “I take it, it didn’t go well?”

  “It went perfectly. The weather was perfect. Safford remembered her love of Fudge Torta.”

  “Everyone loves his Fudge Torta,” William muttered remembering everything he’d tried to get that temperamental chef to give the recipe to Hutu. In the end, it had been Cassandra telling him that she ‘craved’ it during her pregnancies that had finally swayed the man. “So what happened?”

  “I frightened her, Will.”

  “What?” William’s disbelief could be heard through the comm.

  “We had finished our lunch and were walking through the garden. We were talking and laughing, learning more about each other.” Jotham paused remembering how he’d been feeling at that moment. It had been as if, for the first time since Lata’s death, that he felt like he could just breathe around a woman. That she wasn’t trying to attract his attention, that she wasn’t trying to become his Queen. “The conversation naturally turned to our children. I’m even the one that started it. Jacinda began to try and express how sorry she was for Dadrian’s death. That she felt the card she sent was inadequate for a loved child. That it must have been terrible for Barek to lose a sibling… I lost my temper.”

  “Jotham, you never lose your temper.”

  “I did, Will. I was so enraged that this wonderful woman would waste her sympathies on Dadrian after what he had done.”

  “She didn’t know.”

  “I know that!” Jotham nearly shouted. “But it didn’t stop me from reacting. I lashed out at her, Will. I lashed out so violently that she felt the need to move away from me. I had just convinced her to call me Jotham and then I did that.”