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Autumn's Kiss (Kiss Series, #2) Page 5
Autumn's Kiss (Kiss Series, #2) Read online
Page 5
"Because you needed me in my Other form more than I needed to fly," he told her gruffly.
His words had her looking back to find her mate was no longer trying to capture her and force her into submission. Instead, he was following so closely behind her that their shadows appeared to be one.
"You denied yourself... for me?"
"You are my mate. Nothing is more important to me than you. Not even flying."
Tears filled her Dragon's eyes as she felt her mate's absolute love and commitment surround her. It filled her heart and soul in a way they never had been before, and it eased the ache that had been there since the loss of her family. It proved that this was right, this was where she belonged. He was her mate, and she was his. It also filled her with the desire to mate.
Slowing, so her smaller form was below her mate's, she ran her tongue along his neck tasting him for the first time.
Kirall's Dragon shuddered at his mate's caress. He had waited so long for her, and he wasn't going to wait any longer. Grasping her shoulders just below her wings, he pulled her up tight against his larger frame. As he bit down on her neck, he flicked her tail to the side and thrust up, impaling her on his long, hard penis that had extended from its protective slit.
Autumn's Dragon roared with pleasure at the dominant way her mate was claiming her. Every flap of his powerful wings not only kept them in the sky but drove him deeper and deeper inside of her until he completely claimed her.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
"You ran from me."
Those softly uttered words had Autumn opening her eyes to find hurt-filled ones staring down at her. Her first instinct was to reach out and comfort him and ease his pain. This was her mate after all, but she’d been hurt too. By his family’s actions and his words. That’s why she’d run, or in this case, flown away.
"You expected me to stay? After the way everyone treated me? After the way you spoke to me?" she countered.
With a heavy sigh, Kirall rolled so he sat facing away from her, his arms resting on bent knees, his head hanging low. “I didn't mean it the way it sounded.”
Autumn remained where she was for a moment, cushioned by the soft, sweet-smelling grass of Kruba, letting her gaze take in all the beauty of her mate’s naked back. God, he truly was magnificent, and he was hers. All hers. To love and to protect. But that didn’t mean she was going to let him get away with treating her like that.
Rolling up onto her knees, she closed the distance between them, her breasts flattening against his back as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. After pressing a kiss to the side of his still lowered head, she asked, “Then what did you mean?”
Leaning back into her, he soaked up the comfort she was offering as he lifted his head. “I only wanted to prevent you from proclaiming you were a Supreme in front of Maaike.”
“Because her father also sits on the Council of Elders.”
“Tove is very vocal about his disapproval of Dragoons claiming Others as their mates. He believes the Dragoon bloodlines need to remain pure.”
“But I’m not an Other.”
“No, you are more. More than he or any of his bloodline will ever be, and that he will not tolerate. He will try to find a way to attain you.”
“Kirall, you aren’t making any sense. Tove already has a mate, Maaike’s mother, and I am your mate. There’s no way for him to attain me.”
Kirall turned around to face her, unconcerned about his nakedness, bending one leg under him as the other wrapped around her pulling her close just as his arms did.
"There is if he believes ours is not a valid mating."
"What are you talking about?"
"No mating between Dragoons is considered valid unless both have experienced their first Heat."
"Then how are Dragoon matings with Others considered valid? They don't have Heats. Do they?"
"No. Which is one of Tove's arguments for why Dragoons shouldn't join with them. When Tove finds out that not only are you Dragoon, but also a Supreme who hasn't gone through her first Heat... he will claim our Mating invalid."
“He can claim anything he wants. All anyone has to do is look at you to see that you are no longer a Prime.” Reaching out she ran her fingers through his now dual-colored hair.
"This is true, but he can still try and separate us."
"He can try," she growled her claws extending.
"Easy, my love." He reached up and eased her claws from where they'd dug into his shoulder. "Neither of us will let that happen."
"You should have told me all this before we landed, Kirall."
"I didn't want you to worry. You had already been through so much. I didn't want you hurt again."
"And that worked out so well. Didn't it?"
"I was trying to protect you!"
"That's what the doctors always said. Right before they drugged me. That they were doing it for my own good, that they were protecting me from myself and what I didn't understand. It wasn't true then, and it isn't true now."
"I won't live that way again, Kirall, with someone else controlling every aspect of my life. With them keeping things from me and making all the decisions. Not even if that someone is you."
"I never meant to do that."
"But you did. Do you really see me the way your ex-lover does? As some small, weak, insignificant being that can't take care of herself?"
"Of course not! Autumn, you have to know that. You are the strongest female I've ever met."
"And yet you kept all your fears and concerns to yourself even though they affected me too."
Autumn pushed herself to her feet and walked several feet away to stare silently at Kruba. Its strength and power filled her, and she knew this was where she belonged. Yet it was also a symbol of a time past. A time she didn't want to resurrect.
No, she wanted to build something new here. Something better than what the Supremes who had come before had left behind. For that to happen, she and Kirall had to be partners. Not with him thinking he had to protect her from everything. Oh, she knew there were going to be times she would need him to protect her. After all, she would never be as big or as strong as he was. But keeping her in the dark about things she needed to know wasn't protecting her. It was treating her like a child, and that was something she wouldn't tolerate. Turning, she found him standing behind her a concerned look on his face.
"I love you, Kirall. I have no doubt that you are my mate. That this," she gestured to Kruba, "is where we belong. But I don't know how we're going to make this work if I can't trust you."
"You know you can trust me, Autumn. You are all that matters to me."
"Do I matter enough for you to tell me the truth, even if it's going to upset me? I need a partner, not a keeper."
Kirall's eyes bored into hers, and in them, she saw him, his Beast, and his Dragon were all struggling with what she was asking of them. It went against everything he had told her about how male Dragoons cared for their Mates. Finally, he released a ragged breath and said, ”I can only vow that I will try, my Autumn.” He gave her a small smile. "Partners. I've never thought of a mate that way."
"Well start."
"Alright, but just so you know, I am your keeper because I'm keeping you."
Autumn found herself smiling in return. "You'd better because otherwise, I'll burn your ass."
Chapter Five
Autumn stared down at Kruba, uncertain of her ability to land in the enclosed courtyard.
"Kirall?" She looked at her mate who was flying next to her.
"Let’s land between the turrets," he told her gently nudging her toward it. "It is where Razeth would have landed."
"He would have?"
"Yes, there is always a private landing space for the Keeper of the Lair."
"Keeper of the Lair?"
"It is what the one who infuses the Lair with its power is called. It is what
you are now."
"I am?"
"Of course. You are Razeth's heir. His magic and power have recognized you and allowed us entry. I am but your mate.” His Dragon’s lips turned up as best they could in an attempt at a smile. It was something Dragon’s didn’t do. “Now feel the air currents and work with them."
Autumn nodded, and after several minutes and one failed attempt, her claws dug into the solid stone. Folding in her wings, she’d barely shifted into her Other form before she felt Kirall’s arms surround her, bracing her against the worst of the wind.
“Come, let's get you inside," he urged, moving her toward the archway on one side that concealed a massive door. He put his shoulder against it thinking he would need a great deal of force to open it. After all, it had been thousands of years since anyone had entered here. Instead, it opened as easily as if it had been used only yesterday. When she would have walked in, he pulled her back.
"What?" she asked, giving him a questioning look.
"Stay behind me."
"Because it is my job to protect you and we don't know what's in there."
"How could anything be in there? Razeth's protection is still intact. Didn't you feel how the boundary welcomed you?"
"Oh, I felt it alright."
The way he said it had her giving him a questioning look. "Why do you say it like that?"
"While it allowed me through, I wouldn't say it welcomed me." His jaw tightened as he remembered the jolt the boundary had given him. "I don't think it was very pleased that you arrived alone."
"Allowed? You talk as if the boundary is a living, thinking thing."
"In a way it is. It's an extension of you and reflects your thoughts and feelings."
"You mean because I was upset with you..."
"It let me know it. Hey!" He reached out, gently cupping her cheek. "I’m fine, and I deserved it."
"No, you didn't. Well, maybe a little," she gave him a slight smile as she tipped her head into his hand. "But I would never knowingly hurt you."
"I know, but you are right. The boundary wouldn't have allowed anyone else through, especially not with you sleeping so near its edge. So it's safe. Come on."
Autumn stepped in front of him as he gestured her forward and she entered her new home. The first thing she noticed was that there were two sets of clothing hanging from pegs on the wall. One held a beautiful, long-sleeved, emerald green gown and the other, buff-colored pants and a black shirt. On the floor below each outfit was footwear.
"It seems your Lair is providing for us," he told her and reached for the gown, helping her slip it on before turning for his own clothes. He wasn't surprised to find they fit perfectly.
"Providing for us?" she asked as she ran her hands along the form-fitting gown and enjoying the velvety feel of the fabric before lifting the hem to slide her feet into the matching slippers.
"It is said that if a Lair is especially pleased with its new Keeper, it will provide for him or, in this case, her. You. You know I don't think I've ever heard of a female being the Keeper of a Lair before. Not even among the Supremes." He pulled on the soft leather boots then straightening, he felt his heart stutter at the vision before him. The scooped neckline of the emerald gown was deep enough to show tantalizing hints of her cleavage before it flowed down to hug her lean frame. "Kur, you are beautiful. No wonder Kruba is so generous."
Autumn stilled at his words, her gaze going to his. What she saw had her breath catching. Kirall had been half dressed when she'd first met him, and since she'd made him her mate, none of his clothing had fit him properly. Now, because of the magic of Kruba, everything he wore fit his new size perfectly. The pants hugged his muscular thighs but weren't skin tight, while his boots encased his feet and calves but weren't restrictive. If she had a complaint, it was that the beautiful black shirt he wore covered up too much of the massive chest she had grown used to seeing, even though its laces were loose. Reaching out, she put a hand on that chest.
"I think you’re confused."
"Really?" he asked covering her hand with one of his. "What am I confused about?"
"That Kruba is my Lair. It isn't. It's ours, and maybe that's what has it so pleased. Because we’re here. A mated pair. It’s been a long time since Kruba has had that. Since before Razeth."
"My mate is as wise as she is beautiful,” he said leaning down to gently kiss her lips.
"Thank you," she said returning his kiss. "But I'm not."
"Not what?" he asked, still nibbling on her lips.
"Beautiful. I have scars, remember?"
Kirall's entire body tensed and when he jerked back, it wasn't just him that growled, displeased at her words. Lifting her until they were eye to eye, he spit out. "Your scars don't detract from your beauty. They add to it. And if I ever hear you talk about yourself that way again, I will take you over my knee and blister your ass."
Autumn's eyes widened surprised at his rage, then realized she shouldn't be. He'd said that to her before. Not that he'd blister her ass, but that he found her scars beautiful because they meant that she was a survivor, not someone who'd failed to protect those she loved.
"You didn't fail them," he told her and realized she hadn't known she'd spoken out loud. "You did everything a ten-year-old possibly could, even a Supreme."
"No buts. You loved your family so much that you sacrificed yourself for them. That's what your scars show. Your love. That's why they're beautiful to me."
"I still have nightmares," she whispered.
"I know," he told her shifting his grip, so his arms enfolded her in comfort and love. "But I'm here for you. Whenever they come, you can turn to me. You aren't alone any longer, Autumn. You have me, and while I know you don't believe it right now, you have my family too."
"You're right. I don't believe that." She gave him a small smile. "But you do, and since I love and trust you, I'll keep an open mind. Now, shall we go see the rest of our home?"
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Autumn couldn’t believe how beautiful Kruba was. The hallways were wide, and every room was beautifully furnished, although not all were to her taste. Thick rugs covered the stone floors, and light poured through the crystal-clear panes of the windows, highlighting the intricate tapestries that adorned the walls. Each one told the story of each Dragoon that had once been the Keeper here. She knew this because the tapestries explained it to her as she ran her fingers over them. It was the same with every piece of furniture and every portrait that lined the stairwell that curved down to the next level. The history of Kruba came pouring out of them along with what it meant to be a Supreme Dragoon.
It was amazing, enlightening, and draining.
Kirall silently watched as his mate explored their new home. He wasn't sure what was going on between her and the Lair, but he could feel the magic flowing between them every time she touched something. And while it didn't seem to be harming her, she was becoming paler and paler after each episode.
"This is where meals were served," she said as they entered the next room. It reminded her of the one in Kirall's parents' Lair. While the room and table were similar, there was just a single chair at this table. It made her sad when she realized that for a very long time only one person ever ate here. Razeth. How lonely he must have been.
The room had Kirall realizing just how long it had been since his mate had actually eaten. Evening meal hadn’t yet been served when she’d stormed out onto the balcony. So that meant she hadn’t eaten since back on the Inferno before they’d left on the transport. "Autumn, let’s find a room for you to rest in and then I’ll go hunting."
"Hunting?" she asked turning to look at him.
"You haven't eaten in over a day. I will get us some food."
At his words, the room glowed a brilliant white, blinding Kirall for a moment. When he could see again, the table was laden with food.
"It seems Kruba is providing for us again," he said testily.
r /> "Why aren't you happy about that?" she asked, frowning at him.
"Because I'm your mate. I'm supposed to be the one providing for you."
She looked at the small apple-like fruit she was about to take a bite of and put it back in the bowl. "Then go hunting, and I'll keep exploring the Lair until you get back."
Shame filled Kirall. His mate was hungry, and he was denying her because of pride? Moving to the table, he picked up the green-speckled applee and handed it back to her before pulling out the lone chair and waited.
"Kirall?" she asked, slowly sitting.
"But I thought..."
"You're hungry. What kind of mate would I be if I didn't feed you when food was readily available?" Crossing the room, he brought a chair back to sit next to her and began filling a plate.
“What is all this?” she asked looking at the array of food he’d put in front of her.
“What you hold in your hand is a piece of fruit called a green-speckled applee. It has a firm flesh that is tart, yet sweet. It can be eaten raw or cooked. This,” he pointed to what looked like chunks of meat to her, “is called Fossa. It is a small creature that lives deep in the forests. It is extremely tender. Next to that is Fis. It's only found in the high mountain waters. And this...”
“Kirall," she put a gentle hand on his. "Let’s just eat. I'm not a picky eater. Haven't you learned that about me by now?"
He had. For two weeks they'd traveled on the Inferno and no one, including him, had thought to bring food from Earth with them. She hadn't complained once, just eaten what had been available.
"I have, but now I want you to have a choice."
“As long as none of this is super spicy or extremely sour I'm going to be okay with it.”
“None of this is.”
“Good, then let’s eat.”
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Autumn found herself smiling as she and Kirall traveled deeper into the Lair. After mid-meal, they'd explored more of the floor until they'd come across the Keeper's Suite, as Kirall called it. It was an immense room that she couldn't wait to explore and make their own but that was for later. Right now, Kirall was leading her down a spiral staircase she wouldn't have known was there if he hadn't shown it to her.