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Ull (Tornians Book 7) Page 6
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"Her value?" Trisha couldn't believe Ull had said that.
"A female who has already presented a female is highly sought after by other males. Because of it, she can demand whatever she wants for her gift."
"And the child… offspring," Trisha corrected. "What happens to it if she chooses another male?"
"It remains with its manno, of course," he said, giving her an 'it should be obvious' look.
"Your females just leave their offspring behind?" She was finding it hard to believe that Tornian females routinely abandoned their children.
"Yes," he told her. "Tornian females rarely have contact with their offspring once they are presented."
Trisha knew, without a doubt, Lisa would never do that. "But Lisa…"
"By accepting the title of Queen, she has accepted King Grim as her one and only male. The offspring she carries is female, and he has accepted her other two young females as his own."
"Carly and Miki," Trisha supplied.
"Who?" he asked, frowning at her.
"The names of Lisa's two young females are Carly and Miki," she stressed their names.
"I believe that is truth," Ull acknowledged. "So, King Grim will have three young females, and no male would dare offend him now for fear he would withhold his females from them."
Some of this sounded familiar to Trisha, so she knew Lisa must have included it in the educator, but still, it wasn't something she'd readily known. Hopefully, she wasn't missing other relevant information.
"So your father, manno," she corrected, "Because he's a Lord, was able to attract four females, and was able to keep them long enough to have offspring with each of them?" she asked, returning to the subject of Ull. It would help in negotiations if she knew him better, not because she was personally interested in him, at least that was what she was telling herself.
"No," Ull told her shortly.
"But you have brothers," she pointed out, frowning at him.
"We were all presented by the same female," he grudgingly admitted. "Our mother refused to leave our manno even though many tried to lure her away… and still do."
Trisha didn't understand why Ull seemed embarrassed by that. "Your mother sounds like an amazingly strong woman. Your manno too."
"They were both selfish," he bit out.
Trisha sat back into the corner of the couch, unable to believe Ull had just said that. "How can you say that?!"
"Because it's truth," he growled. "There are other males that need her gift, especially after she presented my father with a second male. There was no reason for her to remain. She should have done her duty and allowed other males to have offspring. Instead, she has yet conceived again."
The disgust in Ull's voice was so shocking that Trisha didn't know how to respond. His mother had stood up against convention, had stood up for what she wanted, and who. That took an incredible amount of strength and fortitude. Trisha knew because her own mother had done the same thing, and Trisha was grateful for it, but Ull apparently wasn't.
"Good for her. And for the record," Trisha leaned forward to growl. "Abby did the right thing in not choosing you."
"What?" Ull frowned at her, not understanding what she was saying.
"I said, Abby did the right thing choosing your brother over you. You are one of the most unworthy, unfit males I've ever had the misfortune of meeting." Her voice grew louder and stronger with every word she spoke. "I have no idea why your Emperor would send one such as you here to negotiate for females because I can tell you right now that no Earth female would ever agree to 'Join' with you if that's how you think of your own mother! Now get the fuck out of my room!"
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Taking one look at Ull's expression when he entered the control room, Veron demanded, "What's happened?"
"I don't understand females," Ull growled, dropping into one of the chairs.
Veron sighed, and after pushing a few buttons so the Searcher would fly itself, he moved to sit next to Ull. There were very few Tornians on the Searcher, as Wray hadn't wanted to take the chance that a Warrior might try to claim an Earth female without her consent. It made it easier for Veron to talk to Ull in a room that was usually full of Warriors.
"I'm not sure any male ever completely understands one, whether she's Tornian, Kaliszian, or Earthian."
"They make no sense," Ull muttered.
"In what way?" Veron asked, honestly curious about the other male's thoughts.
"She asks about my family, my brothers, Joinings, and when I tell her truth, she becomes upset. With me!"
"Well, as the representative from Earth, I'm sure she's just trying to understand the differences between our cultures, so she knows what Earth females will be facing if they agree to Join with us. You informed her of how things are changing, correct? That we are no longer forcing our females to leave a male, they are happy with?"
"No," Ull grunted.
"What? Why?" Veron demanded.
"We never got off the subject of my family and why I had so many brothers."
"And that upset her?" That surprised Veron because from what he'd seen, every other Earth female had supported Lady Isis's decision to stay with Lord Oryon, even though many Tornians had shunned them for it over the years. Even the Emperor announced, before the Assembly of Lords, his support of the couple.
"Yes, and I don't understand why, especially when I told her truth. It shouldn't have been allowed, and my mother should have been forced to accept another male."
Veron's eyes widened at that. "That's the truth you told her?! That we force our females to leave a male? That it is what we will expect of Earth females?"
"No. I told Trisha how they choose who will be their next male."
Veron surged out of his chair, clenching his fists. "Tell me truth, Ull! Are you purposely trying to sabotage this meeting, so our Warriors have reason to attack and conquer Earth?"
"What?" Ull looked at the Emperor's Captain in shock and denied. "No! Of course not!"
Veron's eyes narrowed as he tried to judge Ull's truth. He knew about this male, had heard impressive things about him, but then that was to be expected for the first male of a Lord. He'd also heard some rumbling that Ull hadn't been pleased when Lady Abby had chosen his brother and made it clear that Ynyr would be her only male. Yet Ull had gone and assisted Ynyr in getting what was now House Jamison in order and done an outstanding job by all accounts. So why did he seem to be doing everything in his power to enrage this Earth representative?
Was it because she was female?
Was it because it had been Queen Lisa's idea? Another female.
Veron knew many Warriors were struggling with all the changes taking place in their Empire, but most saw it as a good thing.
"Do you truly believe that your mother was wrong to stay with your manno? That he should have forced her to Join with another?"
"Other males needed and still need her gift," Ull told him, which revealed nothing.
"Her last presentation was over seventeen years ago," Veron reminded him.
"You haven't heard?" Ull looked to him in surprise.
"Heard what?"
"My mother has conceived again," Ull told him quietly.
"Really?" Veron's pleasure was apparent. "That’s wonderful news!"
"Is it?" Ull countered. "When so many males have bloodlines that are ending?"
Veron sat back down and wondered what he could say, because while Ull wasn't wrong, neither was Lady Isis. It wasn't until the Earth females had arrived that Veron had realized just how courageous Lady Isis had to have been to withstand the outside pressures that wanted her to leave the male she loved. Now, it seemed there had been some internal pressure as well.
"Have you spent any real-time with a female from Earth?" Veron asked.
"Alone?" Ull gave him a shocked look. "Of course not! That would break Tornian Law!" Just as Ynyr had done, he thought.
"Of course, not alone, but I know you met with the Emperor in the Royal
Garden and that the Empress was there. You also met with Queen Lisa and General Rayner's Ashe, Jennifer, the Empress' sister before coming here. You had to have spent time with your brother's Lady during your time in House Jamison. Did you not notice how strong and independent they all are?"
"They can be that way because they have strong males backing them up."
"Did the Empress when she was captured and abused by the Ganglians?" Veron demanded. "Did her sister when she was forced to work in a Zaludian mine for nearly eight months? Or Queen Lisa and Lady Abby when our own Warriors attacked them?" Veron answered for Ull. "No! They found a way to fight back and survive on their own. It is what our females once did before we caused them to believe their only value to us was as breeders because of the Great Infection. Your mother, Lady Isis, was the only one who refused to allow herself to be used that way. It cost her, your manno, and your House, but if you asked either of them, I believe they'd tell you it was worth it. It seems to me you are the only one who has a problem with it."
"Ynyr and Zev have suffered because of it," Ull argued quietly.
"Ynyr is now a powerful Lord, and Zev, from what I've heard, will be an outstanding warrior once fully trained. So, I don't think you'll hear complaints from either of them. You are the only one doing that. Why is that?"
"Things are not as they were," Ull finally admitted. "As I expected them to continue."
"You mean, with our civilization dying? That our once fit and worthy Warriors now treat females the way the Ganglians do? Is that how you wish things to continue, Ull?"
"No!" Ull immediately denied. "But there are barely enough females as it is, and if they are allowed to stay with just one male…"
"Then, even as a Lord, you might not attract one, ending your bloodline on Betelgeuse." Veron finally understood what was driving the younger Warrior.
"Yes," Ull admitted quietly.
"That has a high probability of happening… for all our bloodlines," Veron told him. "If you are unable to reach an agreement with the representative Earth has sent us, just because she is a female."
"I can't seem to get her to understand what I'm saying," Ull grumbled.
"Then try to understand what she's saying," Veron told him. "I'm not saying it's going to be easy. If I've learned anything since we discovered we're compatible with Earth females, it's that they are complicated creatures. They are full of contradictions. They appear so soft, but I vow there are times when they are stronger than any Tornian blade. They love fiercely and protect what's theirs, even if it means sacrificing themselves. In many ways, they are like Tornian Warriors. Speak to and treat her with the same respect you would one of them, and perhaps you can find common ground."
Ull remained in his chair, gazing at the blue planet filling the viewport, as Veron rose to check on the autopilot. Was that his problem? That he wasn't giving Trisha the respect she deserved? He could admit, to himself, just how much he was struggling to understand these Earth females. Especially Trisha. Didn't they know how precious they were? That they needed protection from all the horrors that were in the Known Universes? Yet so many of them lived alone on their planet. Even Trisha's only male relative, the one that should have been protecting her, allowed her to travel to the Searcher with him. Alone. When she told him it was her choice, he should have denied her. He should have attacked Ull to try and prevent it, even though he would have died in the attempt. Is that why he allowed it? Or was it because of something else? The same something Veron said Ull should be giving Trisha. Respect. Trisha's tío had respected her, and more than that, he'd trusted her.
Maybe it was time Ull did too.
Rising, he looked to Veron. "Thank you, Captain, for your counsel. I see why the Emperor considers you such a trusted advisor and friend." Crossing an arm over his chest, Ull gave Veron a deep bow then left the room. He needed to speak to Trisha if she would allow him.
Chapter Six
Ull let out a heavy sigh a few minutes later when Trisha didn't open her door after he knocked. Perhaps it was for the best. Tomorrow he would try again. Moving through the corridors, he came to an abrupt halt when he heard laughter, female laughter. Entering the common eating area, he found Trisha sitting across from the Kaliszian Minister laughing. Ruskin was the first to see him frozen in the doorway.
"Warrior Ull, is there something we can do for you?" Ruskin inquired politely.
When Trisha turned to face him, Ull saw all the delight and ease that had been in her expression moments earlier disappear. "I was looking for Representative Burke," he forced himself to use her title, just as he would if she were male, but couldn't help but add. "She wasn't in her room."
"No, I wasn't," Trisha told him coolly. "Minister Ruskin was kind enough to stop by and ask if I'd had," she paused only for a moment before she found the right word, "Last meal. As I hadn't, he graciously showed me where I could eat." She looked back to Ruskin. "Thank you again for that, by the way. I had planned on eating after visiting my parents’ graves this morning, but things happened."
"I'm glad I could have been of assistance to you," Ruskin beamed. "I always hate it when my Ashe or offspring miss a meal."
Ull opened his mouth to say that was because Ruskin couldn't adequately provide for them when he realized what the other male was saying. Ruskin already had a female and offspring, so he wasn't looking to make Trisha his.
Reaching out, Trisha covered Ruskin's hand with one of her own. "Well, hopefully, we can make it so no Kaliszian will ever have to go without a meal again."
"From your lips to the Goddess' ears," Ruskin quietly prayed, then asked. "Would you like me to escort you back to your quarters?"
"I'll do that," Ull finally spoke, and Trisha stiffened even more.
"I was asking Trisha," Ruskin growled, glaring at Ull. He knew the Tornian had upset her earlier, and it had taken him nearly the entire meal to get her to smile, let alone laugh. He wasn't going to allow this arrogant Warrior to ruin all his hard work. They needed her.
"Thank you, Jakob," Trisha used the Kaliszian’s given name and squeezed his hand one more time before pulling her hand back to rise. "But I believe Warrior Ull and I still have a few things to discuss."
"You are sure?" Jakob asked, rising and moved toward Ull with her. "You've had an eventful day."
"Yes, but thank you for your concern," she reassured him. "I'll see you in the morning for first meal. Hopefully, by then, we'll hear from the President and can start shuttling people down."
"As you wish. Until first meal." Giving a stiff nod to Ull, Jakob left the room.
"Why were you looking for me?" she demanded as she began walking toward her quarters.
"I wished to speak to you," he said quickly following her.
"I thought we'd already done that." She moved through the corridors, pleased that she remembered the way.
"I don't believe I explained myself well before, and as it is in the best interest of both our people that we get along, I thought I should try again."
Trisha thought about that, and while she didn't believe there was anyway Ull could justify his attitude toward his mother, he was right. They needed to figure out how to work together, besides their differences, for the benefit of both their people. It was something most politicians didn't seem to understand.
Placing her hand against the panel outside her door, she stepped inside then gestured with her arm. "Please, come in."
Nodding, Ull stepped inside, and the door slid closed.
Trisha didn't speak as they both moved to their former positions on the couch and faced each other. Since Ull was the one that wanted this meeting, she'd let him be the one to start it.
Ull's gaze traveled over Trisha's guarded expression and found he didn't like it. He preferred it when her blue eyes were sparking at him, like a fully charged energy crystal. They were that way when she argued with him, and he wondered if they would when she was happy with him. Goddess, he wanted to find out.
"I feel I owe you an apolo
gy," he began.
"Feel or do?" she demanded, refusing to make it easy for him.
Ull was surprised at her challenge then realized he shouldn't be. She was a strong female.
"Do," he admitted. "I didn't respect you the way I should have. Queen Lisa was most adamant that you voluntarily agree to help us."
"Which I did," she reminded him.
"Only after I kidnapped you," he told her gruffly, his cheeks darkening. "Queen Lisa will be most upset when she learns I went against her orders. As will King Grim and the Emperor."
"Which is why you are apologizing to me." She now understood.
"No!" he immediately denied. "I decided that the most expedient way to gain your assistance was to give you no choice. It will be reported to the Emperor, and I will accept whatever punishment he deems suitable."
"You'll be punished?" She frowned at that. While what Ull had done had been wrong, he had also been right. It had been the most effective way for her to understand the importance of what was going on.
"Of course, I disobeyed orders." He looked at her as if that should be obvious.
She cocked her head slightly to the side and asked. "Do you often do that? Disobey direct orders?"
"Of course not," he immediately replied. "I am not only a fit and worthy Warrior but a first male."
"Then why disobey this one?" she questioned.
"As I said, I didn't think I'd be able to convince you the way Queen Lisa demanded."
"So, it's because the order came from a female, and you believe, because you are male, that you know better."
"When it comes to something like this, that is truth," he admitted.
"Why?" Trisha demanded.
"What do you mean, why?" he asked, frowning at her.
"Why do you think a Tornian male, would know how to approach an Earth female better than an Earth female?"
"I…," he paused, realizing he didn't have an answer to that.
"You don't," she told him. "You just dismissed the one that knew more than you because that person happened to be female."